Research Visits

  • 2024 April - June : Politecnico Di Torino, Italy (hosted by Prof. Enrico Carlini)
  • 2023 June : IIT Bombay (hosted by Prof. Jugal K. Verma)


Poster Presentations

  • 2024 June : Presented poster “On Gorensteinness of associated graded rings of filtrations” in the International Conference on Local rings and Singularities held at IIT Bombay.


The following is a list of workshops and conferences that I have attended.


  • NCM Workshop on “Recent Trends in Commutative Algebra” held at IIT Bomby. (17th June - 22nd June)

  • “International Conference on Local rings and Singularities” held at IIT Bombay. (13th June -15th June)

  • “Connections workshop: commutative algebra” held at SL Math institute Berkeley, California USA. (22nd Jan -26th Jan 2024)


  • NCM Workshop on “Hilbert functions and Local Cohomology” held at IIT Bombay. (27th Nov - 2nd Dec)
  • “School and workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry in Prime Characteristics and Workshop on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry in Prime Characteristics” held at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Italy. (2nd May-12th May 2023)
  • “Conference on Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (CoCAAG-2023)” held at IIT Hyderabad. (8th Feb- 11th Feb)


  • “IWM-2022” conference held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune. (27th Dec - 29th Dec 2022)
  • “Sagedays 114” held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. (25th July- 27th July 2022)
  • NCMWorkshop on “Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules” held at CMI, Chennai. (11th July- 17th July 2022)
  • “Graduate Course on Tight Closure of Ideals and its Applications” held online by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Italy. (16th May- 25th July 2022)
  • NCM Workshop on “Intersection Theory” held at IIT Bombay. (2nd May- 13th May 2022)

upto 2021

  • Participated in “Mathematics Training Programme and Talent Search (MTTS)” Level O,1, 2. ( 2018,2019,2020 )